Friday, May 27, 2011

What resources do I have to help me create the learning environment?

At the beginning of the year, I do several team building activities with my students as well as have them help me set the classroom rules. By having the students help me set the classroom rules, they take responsibility for how they are going to act within the classroom. With the team building activities, we get to know each other and begin to work together. I feel these team building activities are important to creating a classroom where everyone feels welcome and accepted.

To create the technology enriched environment that I would love to have in my classroom, I have a teacher computer that is connected to a projector, a doc camera, and a DVD/VCR player. I use my computer several times a day to do different activities with my students using SMART Notebook, Kidspiration, clickers, and the Internet. I have a wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, and an airliner that I can use so I am not stuck at my desk using the keyboard and mouse connected to my computer. When it is not state assessment time, I have two laptops that are available to my students in the classroom. The students can use these laptops to use different programs I have shown them or they have learned about through their computer class.

1 comment:

  1. I also take the time at the beginning of the year to involve the students in decision making. Through cooperative learning activities, we come up with our class constitution and rewards for Friday Fun, which is based on behavior. Having the students involved really increases their awareness of their behavior.

    That is great that you have a wireless keyboard and mouse, so you can move around the room. Do you use the doc camera much? All of our classrooms have SmartBoards now, so I wasn't sure how often the doc cameras were getting used in my building now.
