Friday, May 27, 2011

Where do I want to go with technology?

I would love to use technology more in my classroom. Right now, I use it daily for math (our lessons are created in SMART Notebook). I have created some Phonemic Awareness lessons in SMART Notebook, Kidspiration, and with CPS Clickers. My students are able to use the laptops during centers when it is not a testing month. I am very interested in writing grants or trying to find the funding for us to get iPads or other technology pieces my building does not currently have. I'm very excited to be taking this class about technology enhanced learning environments. I cannot wait to take what I learn from this class and apply it in my classroom in the fall.

What resources do I have to help me create the learning environment?

At the beginning of the year, I do several team building activities with my students as well as have them help me set the classroom rules. By having the students help me set the classroom rules, they take responsibility for how they are going to act within the classroom. With the team building activities, we get to know each other and begin to work together. I feel these team building activities are important to creating a classroom where everyone feels welcome and accepted.

To create the technology enriched environment that I would love to have in my classroom, I have a teacher computer that is connected to a projector, a doc camera, and a DVD/VCR player. I use my computer several times a day to do different activities with my students using SMART Notebook, Kidspiration, clickers, and the Internet. I have a wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, and an airliner that I can use so I am not stuck at my desk using the keyboard and mouse connected to my computer. When it is not state assessment time, I have two laptops that are available to my students in the classroom. The students can use these laptops to use different programs I have shown them or they have learned about through their computer class.

What kind of learning environment do I want to create for my students?

I would like to create an environment that is enriched with technology and where the students are not afraid to be themselves and demonstrate the knowledge they have. The students need to feel welcome and respected. I want my students to become life long learners and for them to have the desire to explore new things. As a kindergarten teacher, I need to give my students a solid foundation in all content areas. I need to help them develop as readers, writers, mathematicians, and scientists. In my classroom, I want the students to see learning as fun and not as something they have to do.

What are your top 3 elements of a 21st Century Classroom?

Everyone gets to use technology - One of the top three elements of a 21st Century classroom is the ability to have technology at the students’ fingertips. There should be daily use of technology not only by the teacher but by the students as well. Students need a chance to explore the technology that is available to them within the school.

Students are engaged - I would like for all of my students to be engaged with the lessons on a daily basis. Earlier this year, I did a research project and learned that before implementing technology within my classroom, I need to learn what the learning styles are within my classroom. I feel if I know the different learning styles within my room, then I will be able to create engaging lessons that meet the personal needs of my students.

Students are not afraid to fail - I want my students to be able to try their best and not be afraid to make a mistake or have the wrong answer. I want my students to be comfortable that they try their hardest and do their best even if that means they do not do things correctly.